NAS Installation and Usage Notes

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It has served me well as a networked storage device and streaming media server, as well as providing me with automated nightly back-ups . The only way to add hard drives to HPE servers is to buy the drives along with caddies from HPE for 200% the price of Broadberry’s price. Once the correct hard drive is plugged in, boot the system from the installation CD. The first few steps just ask you to select your language, keyboard layout, timezone, and root password so we will just skip over those and assume you know what to do there. Pi-Hole install process required selecting network interface, gateway IP, Upstream DNS Server, etc. via dialog box during install. It also installed lighttpd web server which was unnecessary as Amahi already comes with Apache server.

It has been sitting in the corner of the living room running for 178 days according the the control panel and I had never logged in until today. I am going to start using PLEX this week so I have looked and found an Amahi plug-in for that but havent read how to install it yet. You MUST create the initial user and password . Ensure you select Make this user administrator check box. Just as in the previous step, a weak password may require you to select Done twice. Insert the USB flash drive into your server, reboot the system, and follow applicable install instructions to complete the install.

NOT ALL apps in previous Amahi versions are available for Amahi 10. 32-bit installs are not available nor supported in Amahi 10. The only officially supported install media is Fedora 25 Server.

Also, Amahi users enjoy having an official app center that Windows fanatics do not. However, the difference between Amahi and Windows Home Server is that WHS allows you to immediately stream your media to any device without the need of installing apps. With Amahi, you need to install the AmahiTunes app or the DLNA server app, or any other similar app to do the job. Meanwhile, file sharing on Windows Home Server works just like any sharing protocols on Windows 7 and Vista. You just click on the folder to share it and specify the users who can access that folder. It might be a bit tricky to set up Amahi on your computer, but you should be fine if you follow the instructions provided by the developers.


The instructions below will guide you through the Amahi 11 installation, step by step, with screenshots for the install method you choose. Please post reviews and comments about amahi, its extension and support so we can deliver only the best Magento applications for our users. MageCloud partnered with amahi to deliver their Magento extensions to all of our users with the help of our exclusive installation process.

This is a feature that allows you to combine all of your harddisk drives into one, massive drive. You can replicate files from one drive to the next, insuring that if one fails, there is still a copy of all your files. And your shares can span multiple drives, allowing more storage. This isnt a necessary if you dont have a ton of files, but I love it. HPE hard drives are rebadged Toshiba enterprise-class drives, the exact same models as found in Broadberry storage appliances.

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It was truly an awesome experience working with Amahi. It provided a dynamic environment to learn and helped me push my limits. The suggestions received on the various aspects of the project helped it take its final shape. I would like to extend my utmost gratitude towards my mentor Carlos Puchol who provided me with the valuable inputs on every step of the project.

  • These items together produce a pretty formidable computer, especially one going into a closet just to serve up files and music and videos.
  • The following are unsupported install methods for installing Fedora 21 with a graphical user environment, more commonly referred to as Desktop or user interface.
  • This, along with the high quality industry leading components that we use ensures all of our systems meet the strictest quality guidelines.
  • Windows Home Server 2011 has recently come out but it removes the drive extender feature, requires a 40% faster CPU (1.4 Ghz), and 4 times the RAM as its predecessor.
  • It only requires 1 ghz processor, 512 mb of ram, and a 4 gb harddrive to run Amahi.

Again – it will reboot by itself one last time. At this stage, please do take some time to review the storage settings to match the destination where you want the operating system to be installed. A web app install was unsuccessful, but it appears partially installed. This often happens and repeatedly trying to install without clean up results in multiple failed attempts.

To make the install process unattended the Pi-Hole’s install script was modified. The required network-related information by Pi-Hole during install are already available in Amahi Database. We use those values during Pi-Hole install as default values. The hda-ctl generates those defaults for Pi-Hole to use at /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf.

Once your data is on the shares, this doesnt matter. So you can go through the trouble of changing the landing zone, or you can move your data in chunks. Or you can use a prebuilt computer or an old one you already have. It only requires 1 ghz processor, 512 mb of ram, and a 4 gb harddrive to run Amahi. These items together produce a pretty formidable computer, especially one going into a closet just to serve up files and music and videos.

Pi-Hole is designed to work as the only local DNS in the network, allowing it to enable network-wide Ad-blocking by preventing the domains which serves ads from resolving. As Amahi offers a complete home server solution it already has a DNS and DHCP server included. This hindered the ad-blocking capability of Pi-Hole when installed along with Amahi. To resolve this Amahi would use Pi-Hole as DNS when installed. The modifications required to hda-ctl file are here.

Amahi Wiki

TIME & DATE and change to match your locale if needed.INSTALLATION DESTINATION indicates the correct hard drive if you have more than one connected.NETWORK & HOST NAME indicates connected. Don’t make any changes unless you are sure of what you are doing. Repeat the previous two steps until all the existing partitions on the disk drive are gone.

Then reboot all the systems in your network, so that they get their network settings from your newly installed Amahi server. Installation has begun and we need to create the initial user. What settings did you use for your virtual machine? You could try downloading again in-case you have a corrupt download.

install amahi

Boot from the DVD – the install is fairly basic with help at every step. I find the guide on the Amahi page rather lacking, so here’s a quick summary. A number of guests who would bring their machines round. NOT ALL apps available in Amahi 7 are What is DevOps automation fully operational for Amahi 8. Initial testing indicated these appear to work with Amahi 8, but there is no guarantee and we cannot fully support them. We take these seriously and have incorporated additional error checking/prevention methods.

Install Method

Make sure you use the same capitalization here that you used earlier in the setup. At this point, the system will fully configure Amahi in the Digital bank instant loan app background. It will reboot by itself one last time, and it will then reboot with the static IP address you set it up in the Amahi web site.

Hello, I am Aditya Singh, currently completing my Bachelor of Engineering course in Production Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India. For the last few months I had been working with Amahi to implement Pi-Hole as an Amahi app. It uses Let’s Encrypt as the Certificate Authority which serves as a free, automated and open CA. Windows Home Server 2011 has just come out, but I wanted to experiment with a free, open-source linux server before purchasing the $100 software.

  • You will need to log into the terminal as a root user.
  • The default user/password to log into the admin page in supersync is ‘admin’ and ‘admin’.
  • Or use calendar clients like Sunbird/Lightning or Chandler or any other supporting the standard WEBDAV protocol.
  • In this screen cast, we go over the steps needed to install Amahi via the Express Disc release.
  • Voted PC Pro’s best storage appliance, the CyberStore ZFS range comes preconfigured with Open-E JovianDSS ZFS-based operating system.

MX Player Powerful video player with advanced hardware acceleration and subtitle supports. You can follow above instructions to install Amahi for PC with any of the Android emulators available. Note that Amahi is not something like WHS that comes in a ready-to-install disk. Instead, you have to install Fedora 12 DVD, which is available here.

Afterward, you can migrate your network devices to the media streamer. I assume you are setting this up on a dedicated machine, so select “use entire drive” when it asks how you’d like to set up the drives. You will lose all data currently on the drive. Installation has begun, but we need to configure the users. Make sure the networking settings you previously set for this system in the Amahi Control Panel match what you have in your network.

Magento Extensions Made by amahi

Added a script which would help plug-in to insert and delete ServerAlias info into the web-app’s apache config files. This will permanently mount your shares to your file explorer, which is super handy for quick access on a daily basis. This will show you everything about setting up Greyhole to work with your shares.

This is a common source of installation problems. You can delete a profile in the web site and start a new profile with new settings any time. While it installs, please create a user with a Full Name, a username and password . Make the user an administrator by checking the corresponding box. From text console or using SSH , become root for the Amahi installation. When prompted for a password, it’s your user password you set in the Fedora 25 install.

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